Sunday, January 24, 2010

One Word Poetry

I recently had an idea and I would like to see what people might think.

Poetry is an art form that I thoroughly enjoy and don't quite understand (if its possible to). I have always had a fondness for words, semantics, and clever linguistic ingenuity, thus I have come up with this idea.
One word poetry.
Think of it. One word, and all of the things that it reminds you of. One extremely interesting word, claimed to be a poem in and of itself, displayed by itself, and thats it.

My girlfriend has an interesting condition called synesthesia. Basically what it entails is that she experiences her senses in a kind of confused manner. As she sees, feels, hears, smells, or tastes other senses are activated. In other words the way something sounds has a distinct visual color, taste, feel, and smell. Thus, in the context of one word poetry, one word can set off an entire slew of sensual and emotional reactions.
An example might be the word 'Carnival'. Such a word might instigate thoughts of children, rides, performance, candy, etc. And for her it exudes a number of sensual experiences just in the way it looks on a page or the way it sounds when said out loud.

In addition to this idea I would like to expand from real words to fabricated ones. Imagine a word that maybe sounds like other words, or brings to mind a certain situation, experience, sense, etc. I have been experimenting with this a little on my facebook updates by simply putting up these made-up words and checking if I get any reaction. If you read this and are friends with me on facebook I would love to get any feedback you may have or any feelings/thoughts you have on the words I come up with.

Examples of Fabricates:




More to come if i get any feedback or response.

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